Sonic chains first and only animal rescue token!
Sonic chains first and only animal rescue token!
HEDGY is the worlds first animal rescue memecoin! We utilise protocol generated revenue to "adopt" animals via Wildlife Aid UK. ca: 0x6fB9897896Fe5D05025Eb43306675727887D0B7c
The 1% Club are $HEDGYs most legendary holders. Holding 1% (1m tokens) of supply gets you immediate entry into the club. You recieve a bespoke NFT as well as access to our private group and airdrops for as long as you HODL!
1% Club members are airdropped one of our bespoke NFT's created by the legendary Evil Beard. These NFT's are your ticket to free airdrops for life! Our NFT's are tradeable on PaintSwap.
The Point Fivers are our next tier of holders. To enter this club you must hold 500k $HEDGY. Being part of the Point Fivers also gets you access to airdrops every 2 weeks for as long as you retain 500k+ $HEDGY.
The $HEDGY team brings you our 'HEDGY Hogs' NFTs. Earn passive income monthly for the next 3 years just by holding! Each NFT also grants you access to TWO monthly NFT lotteries to earn more rewards! Hedgy rescues ACTUAL hedgehogs for Wildlife Aid UK!
The legends who hold 100k+ $HEDGY - by getting into the "6 Figs" you'll qualify for monthly airdrops, sent straight to your wallet! You'll also get your telegram tag for the vibes!
Hedgy the hedgehog (email